Nearly eleven years ago a desire took the shape of Nature Mates aiming at a more fructaifying symbiosis between Man and Nature. Over the years Nature Mates have gathered green minds around itself. Our president Lt. Col. Shakti Ranjan Banerjee is a renowned naturalist and is the current state director of World Wide Fund for Nature, West Bengal Chapter. He is a classic example of our Breed who has served the army and nature at the same time and with equal fervor. We have Jhimli among us, a research scholar in Chemistry with the Jadavpur University, there is Abir, who is a multimedia wizard working with shapes and colours and Ayan who teaches in a School. We have Gama, who is always with questions and thriving for answers. One of the most dedicated is Arjan who runs his own press and was one of the founders of the Club. The younger brood consists mostly of studentswho sometimes mix business with pleasure as some of them study subjects like Zoology and Botany. Jibak is studying Medical Science and is one of our promising member. But whatever be their field they all stride boldly by our side in our dream of a greener world order. Then there are others who closely associate with us. There is Mr. Heerak Nandi, a dedicated Conservationist, "Hiranda" or Hiran Mitra an artist of repute, who designed our logo. These are men in tune with our dreams. So the club thrives on the basic diversity of people who come to it. A simple truth emerges. It is only the innate desire to work for nature's cause, which in turn is our own cause, that such different people find enough cohesion and willingness to be co-travellers. In Nature Mates we are always in good company with the Nature.
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